Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blah day

I haven't been feeling well lately and I'm really tired of it! Run down, tired (not the same thing), naseaus, and a few other things that I'm not really going to share here.

Thursday nights are mice though. Hubby is out of the house Thur nights and after the kidlets finally go to sleep, it's all me. Pop some popcorn, watch whatever I want to on tv (Chelsea lately is on right now) and play on my computer without having to get up and do this for this kid or that for that kid. And tonight has been just as good, even with me not feeling well.

However, it is 10:30 now and I should probably go to bed. We have to be up early to get dh and the big kids off to school, Toe and I have some running to do, ECFE class, some more running, 2 dr appts and then hurry home to get the kids. I'm hoping to get some grocery shopping in there somewhere. We have no food in our house. Ok, so we have food, but you actually have to find it, defrost it, cook it......stuff like that. We have no snack food in our house. I really need to try to keep some fruit/veggies around and ready to eat - and make sure we eat them before they spoil.

Ok, this post has really not been about anything. But, I did post! LOL

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Being thankful

Or trying to. I've been dealing with a lot of health issues lately and now Aa is not feeling well and I have his illness too and our house is a big fat mess and we have no clean clothes and this and that and and and and.....

So, I've decided to make a little list of things that I am thankful for, hoping that will make me feel a little better and brighten my day a bit.?.?

1. An amazing husband
2. 3 beautiful and mostly healthy and happy children
3. 2 sinkfuls of dirty dishes (this means we have dishes and food - since we always have dirty dishes, we must be eating)
4. Piles, mountains, of dirty clothes (which means we have an over abundance) - and I do have a washer and dryer to fix this - just not the ambition.
5. A great family - support system.
6. A big house

Being called away - Toe can't pull his pants up. Mom to the rescue.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I am not a happy person

We had to run to Walmart for a few things. For us, that's about a 4o minute drive, round trip. Plus however long it takes us to shop. Well, in that 2 hours or so (we shop slow) someone had come over to our house, went into our garage and took a bunch of our toys out (scooters, skateboards, and such).

I immediately went across the street where Tee's friend lives (she was the first one I thought might do this) to talk to her. She said she didn't do it. And her mom had said she hadn't been over. So...she did have a friend over though, and her friend said it was her (the friend's) little brother.

Ok, so there are 3 kids in that family (I think) and they live in a faraway town, but are in town every weekend staying with their grandparents. The oldest must be about 6-8 and they run all over town - all weekend, always.

I try so hard, to instill in my kids that they are not to touch things that aren't theirs and then this happens. Well, on a side note, maybe that will help my kids see why they shouldn't.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Well, today is our homecoming game. Hopefully the football field is not under water. My older kids made sure to be dressed all in black and blue to show their support. Though we did not do any face painting or hair dying. I'm going to take Son #2 (who we will call Toe from now on) to the homecoming parade this afternoon. Where we will see a pretty boring lineup of some emergency vehicles (if there are any left not attending to the flooding), the band and maybe a float or two - the parades they have now are not like the ones we had when I was in high school many many moons ago.

We will go to the pep fest after, then pick up Son #1 (Aa) and the Princess (Tee) and come home to do whatever until it's time for supper.

Chili and caramel rolls. Nummy!!! Nothing says homecoming like it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rainy days

Hello again. Remember me? Probably not. Oh well, life goes on. And on and on. As the kids get bigger, my time gets busier. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

It is raining right now. It has been raining on and off (mostly on) since yesterday afternoon (dh was not a happy camper - he had rode his motorcycle to work - teehee). I've heard we have had anywhere from 4-10 inches and it's still coming down. I'm just glad it's rain and not snow!! But, things are flooding. One school in the area is closed due to high waters and no electricity.

Dh is home sick, Son #1 and the Princess are at school. I think it's a good day for me and Son #2 to take a nice long nap!!!