Thursday, November 19, 2009

Grandmas, Friends and Memories

Well, it's been a complicated week here in the castle. My Gma, who is usually such a fiesty little thing, is in the hospital for the 2nd time in a month. First she had a knee replaced (I hope she bought the extended warranty on this one), then evidently the dr cut the bone a little too far and she broke her leg. I haven't seen her yet, but between the two of us, we can think up a good story for the break - sex on skis, something along that line. Suggestions are welcome.

Friends and cancer are not two words you want to hear together. One friend of mine, who has overcome breast cancer once, has now found that she has it in her bones - though, thankfully, it is not in her brain. Now she is ported and hopeing to go to Chicago for treatments. Many prayers for Annie and Jack!! Also, we just found out another family friend has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. This friend doesn't want anyone to know about it, so no names will be disclosed - and regardless of the families feelings on the subject, I will be praying.

Memories - oh the memories. My dad was a huge horse lover. My very own first horse was a black and white, tall horse, I named Dice. I rode her for many years, and she was passed down the line of sisters, until we were all done and my dad took over riding her. I have so many wonderful memories of her and Dad, and a few painful memories (it hurts when a horse steps on you foot!). I just found out that the family that was keeping her for us, had to put her down last week. She had fallen and couldn't get up (sorry, no matter how sad i am, this gives me a giggle). I just wish they had called us, so we could have come and said goodbye. It's like losing a part of my dad all over again. They were nice enough to save a clipping of her mane, which we will take and put on dad's grave.

Well, I'm wrote out. Thanks for reading!

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