Saturday, November 21, 2009

Boring rambling

I really don't have anything special to say. Probably nothing interesting either. But I feel the need to blog, which I do so often, as you can tell from my past blogging. Ha ha.

So, today I took the kids to have their pictures taken. Why do I always think this is a good idea? Though, I did it because a lady from my hometown is taking photography classes and needed practice -any she was possibly doing an assignment too - I'm not sure. But it was inexpensive and I was happy to be able to help her.

My kids, on the other hand, weren't too happy to help out. #1 son wanted his hair brushed a certain way, and the longer it was like that, the more he looked like Alphalpha. So he wasn't too happy. The Princess had to have hers brushed and was told she couldn't wear makeup for pics (no bright blue eyeshadow to go with her pretty mauve Christmas dress). She tried to spend the whole time coloring - but we did get a few pics of her. #2 son was mad because he wanted to stay at Aunt B's house. But he got over it and shared his goofy smile with us the whole time we were there.

I can't wait to get them back - I hope that the photographers editing is good though, there were a few issues. Like, when #1 son and I had a pic taken together, it looked really nice, until we noticed a few little fingers and a yellow car driving up #1 sons back. Oh well.

And right now, my wonderful hubby is gone, to a pool tournament at a casino - bad combination, LOL - so I'm trying to keep my eyes open long enough to enjoy the quiet.

I hope I didn't bore all of you too much.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Grandmas, Friends and Memories

Well, it's been a complicated week here in the castle. My Gma, who is usually such a fiesty little thing, is in the hospital for the 2nd time in a month. First she had a knee replaced (I hope she bought the extended warranty on this one), then evidently the dr cut the bone a little too far and she broke her leg. I haven't seen her yet, but between the two of us, we can think up a good story for the break - sex on skis, something along that line. Suggestions are welcome.

Friends and cancer are not two words you want to hear together. One friend of mine, who has overcome breast cancer once, has now found that she has it in her bones - though, thankfully, it is not in her brain. Now she is ported and hopeing to go to Chicago for treatments. Many prayers for Annie and Jack!! Also, we just found out another family friend has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. This friend doesn't want anyone to know about it, so no names will be disclosed - and regardless of the families feelings on the subject, I will be praying.

Memories - oh the memories. My dad was a huge horse lover. My very own first horse was a black and white, tall horse, I named Dice. I rode her for many years, and she was passed down the line of sisters, until we were all done and my dad took over riding her. I have so many wonderful memories of her and Dad, and a few painful memories (it hurts when a horse steps on you foot!). I just found out that the family that was keeping her for us, had to put her down last week. She had fallen and couldn't get up (sorry, no matter how sad i am, this gives me a giggle). I just wish they had called us, so we could have come and said goodbye. It's like losing a part of my dad all over again. They were nice enough to save a clipping of her mane, which we will take and put on dad's grave.

Well, I'm wrote out. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bittersweet Times

Minnesota's Other Big Fair was last weekend. Growing up, this was the best time of the year for our family. My dad absolutely loved fair week. He would save his vacation so he could take the whole week off. We saved pop cans all year long and turned them in just before the fair, for extra spending money. Dad would pull the camper over and we'd spend the whole week and weekend over there, with our 4H projects and our horses (and even bunnies a couple years). We would ride our horses in the games all weekend, not very often ending up with any trophies or ribbons, but with a lot of fun had. On Saturday nights, after the horse show was over, we'd all head to the midway, where we'd ride some rides, play some games, win some stuffed animals, have races down the big slide and just have a grand time. The memories I have of this time are immense and awesome.

Then my dad died, suddenly and unexpectedly. Just like that, the backbone of our family was gone. Husband, dad, grandpa, son, brother, friend - a lot of people were lost.

That first fair after dad died was horrid. We bought a stall in his memory, we donated trophies in his memory and Son #1 rode lead line with someone other than his Grandpa, for the first time ever. It was so sad. After that fair, he started to lose interest in horses in general.

So, fast forward about 4 years - we were visiting my aunt and uncle and Son #1 was riding horse, for fun, and decided to mention to uncle that he thought it would be fun to ride in the fair again. So, the training begins - 3 weeks before the fair - just like my dad. Aunt and Uncle were amazing this weekend. They brought the horse over, brought Son #1 with them to clean stalls and feed Charlie horse. Bought him boots, signed him up for his classes. Gma, thank her very much, paid all his riding fees, so he was set.

Mom (me) was so very nervous. He sits so well on top of that horse, but what if the horse bucks? What if he falls off and hits his head on a rock? What if another horse kicks his and he gets hurt. And on and on and on. I sat on the top of the bleachers, where very few people could see me - and proudly watched him, through my tears. He was fantastic. He rode in walk/trot, which is pretty much what the name says, first you walk, then you trot, then you are judged. He did not place, but he will next year! It had to be a close call, he was so good. He also rode in barrels. He did awesome, considering he was taught the pattern about 15 minutes before he rode. On Saturday he rode barrels at just over 46 seconds. Sunday he was able to shave 10 seconds off his time, which is amazing.

He says he wants to keep up. Daughter and Son #2 also say they want to start. I'm gonna have to buy some cowboy boots I think.

So, it was a great weekend, though very emotional. I'm glad it's over, and I'm looking forward to next year already.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Park Gatherings

Well, when our ECFE class ended, we thought we should all try to get together around the same time every Friday, just so the kids could play together and we could get some adult conversation. The last couple weeks have not really worked out.

Today, the kids and I went to the park by ourselves (not like it's far, right across the street), hoping someone else would show up, but not terribly upset or surprised when no one did - it had rained all night and it was pretty wet over there. So, my little guy walked around the park for about 2 seconds before he found the mud puddle. He looked at it, looked at me, then took the plunge. Didn't take him too long before he gave up jumping up and down in it and just laid down. I don't think his, or his sisters socks, will ever be white again.

But, I wouldn't trade the dingy grey socks for anything. They had so much fun - and I had a blast just watching them.

So, it made me kind of glad that no one else showed up, because then I'd have felt like I had to keep my kids out of the puddle, so no one elses kids would jump in it too.

(hey, 2 days of posts in a row - a record - LOL)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Blog Lazy

Well, so much has happened since I last posted. How can I make myself be better at this? It's something I really want to do, but just don't/can't find/make the time to get on here and do it. It's not like it's a difficult thing to do.

But procrastination is in my dna I think. 'I'll do it later' seems to be my mantra. That is one of the things that I dislike about myself. But, after 36 years, I've still not figured out how to change it, why I am this way, and if I can even change it.

Can you make new resolutions in July? Is it allowed? If so, this is mine - I would like to blog, at least 3 times a week. Daily would be better, but I'm trying to be realistic.

Lord knows I've got plenty going on in my life to blog about.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Toaster woes

I went to make some toast the other night, for my snack and first, the bread wouldn't stay down, then it started humming. Now, I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure my toaster isn't supposed to sing to me. So, now it's oven toast (which is nummier anyways) until I can go and buy a new one.

And isn't a toaster really just a tanning bed for bread?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fast and busy days

Wow, today went so quickly. I was so busy. Went to PT at 7:30 in the morning. That's just an outrageous time of day to be out and about. Yes, I know most people are on their way to work at that time, but not me - I'm usually barely out of bed. Babysitting, running all over the county, company and trying to purge excess household junk = one very very messy house and one very very tired mommy!!! So, nothing got done again today - until MY Mommy came. She's the best. She did my dishes, swept my floor, played with my kids. She is wonderwoman!

So, had part one of "the talk" with Son #1. It went well, but the kid does crack me up. He was more concerned with wanting to skip rocks on the lake.

Kids got to bed almost an hour and a half past their bedtime, I bet tomorrow is going to be one long, rough and whiny day.

And now, it's midnight and I'm still up, enjoying the quiet that I've not heard all day. I better get to bed or I'm going to be the one that's whiny.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Diaper free??

I think we'll be there soon. This morning while I was cleaning the baby up after breakfast, he said "pee". So, I took him in and set him on the potty. And I heard the most lovely sound - tinkling in the potty. He did it. I am so proud and sooo excited!!!